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The Club


LUMC always has loads going on, and it's up to you to join in with as much or as little as you like! We take pride in being an inviting and friendly club, there's no requirement on skill, attendance or otherwise. All we ask is you enjoy yourself and help the rest of the club have a good time too! Take a look through the rest of this page to see what we like to get up to, or check out the activity specific pages to learn a bit more about the different sports.

Joining The Club


To join in with club activities you need to be a member.  Annual membership is £16 before the 15th October and £25 after it. Joining the club also lets you borrow gear from our stores and signs you up to our weekly newsletter so you can keep in the loop with all the exciting things we have planned.  Please click here to register and pay for membership.



We aim to always have plenty on offer so make sure to pay attention each week to what's going on. Don't worry if it all looks a bit busy though, just join in with what you want to!

Every Wednesday afternoon we run beginners' sessions to teach people the basics. They're great for if you've never climbed with ropes before or if you need a refresher. These sessions are ticketed to cover the cost of the teacher's entry, then you also pay for your own entry to the wall. On the whole, these sessions are still a very cheap way to learn valuable skills. Look out for announcements on instagram and tickets on the LUSU website.

Every Thursday evening we visit LancasterWall which is a bouldering gym in town. It's a great way to get some weekly climbing in, with loads of club members around to chat to and climb with.

We will run some lifts from campus which you'll need a ticket for, or you can make your own way there.


Our weekend trips rely a bit more on the weather and the availability of leaders but we aim to have a trip every fortnight or usually more often. Trad, sport, bouldering, winter climbing and more are all on the cards for these trips so they are a great chance to try something new. Want to go somewhere in particular? Let us know!


Trip Sign-up


Tickets and payment are all on the LUSU website; each trip will be listed seperately and we may have a few up at once so make sure you book onto the right one! Message an exec member if you have any issues with the online payment and we can arrange an alternative.

Pick-Up Points​


Generally, we have pick-up and drop-off at University House in the morning on the day. For those living in town we may be able to stop elsewhere (if it's convenient for the driver). Please note that these are general rules, and will vary from week to week, all correct details will be on the newsletter and the sign-up form.

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