Team Training Sessions
Twice a week we will be holding training sessions, unfortunately training is ONLY for those on the climbing team, but the resources on this page will be helpfull to anyone wanting to improve! You will need a bronze membership or above with the sports centre to join in, but aside from that it's free.
Sessions are on a Wednesday and Sunday. These might shift from time to time, so keep an eye on the team group chat for more details. There will be a post before each session to check how many are attending, please let us know if you are!
At least one session per week tends to be at the university climbing wall, with another session often at PrestonWall, BoulderUK or KendalWall.
No need to restrict your training to just the sessions however, so here are some of our regular activities for you to do whenever you want!
Here is the core we usually do, alternatively you can do the list below:
25 In and Outs
25 Forward Bicycles
25 Reverse Bicycles
25 Wide Leg Sit-Ups
25 Crunchy Frogs
25 Fifer Scissors
25 Pulse Ups (Either feet together and bent knees or straight legs up)
25 Sit up/Pulse Up Combo
25 Right Oblique V-Ups
25 Left Oblique V-Ups
50 Russian Twists